Code Enforcement

"Code Enforcement is the prevention, detection, investigation and enforcement of violations of statutes or ordinances regulating public health, safety, and welfare, public works, business activities and consumer protection, building standards, land-use, or municipal affairs."* The Code Enforcement Officer is  Ted Michowski, (Office hours vary day to day).  The Code Enforcement Officer is often out completing inspections within the Township during office hours. 

We do not accept verbal complaints (telephone or in person). All complaints must be made in writing and filed with the Hamburg Township Code Enforcement Officer/Zoning Administrator for  follow up. This form MUST be completed for all filings of code related complaints. Ordinance Violation Complaint Form

The person or persons filing this complaint shall understand that by filling out questions 4 through 7 and signing and/or attesting to the information contained herein may be asked and/or summoned by subpoena to provide testimony on this complaint, if necessary.

If you would like to remain anonymous please do not fill out numbers 4 through 7 and do not sign this form. If you wish to remain anonymous you cannot choose to receive updates on the case.


Updated 08-7-2023 LDP 

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